Beauty nail art compilation #20nails 🌺
Design for almond #nails 00:09
Nail art for squoval nails 10:29
"20nails" - Best manicure and nail art ideas, hacks for long and short nails. My tutorials will be helpful for beginners at home and manicure nail salon artist...
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#nailart #naildesign #uñas
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diseños de uñas, uñas decoradas 2020, unhas decoradas 2020, маникюр, дизайн ногтей, manicure, seni kuku, trang trí móng tay, नाखून सजाने की कला, 네일아트, ネイルアート,美甲設計,الأظافر 2021, ongles, nagel kunst, oje tırnak süsleme...
By: 20 Nails
Title: Nail Art Designs #nails | Nail Art Compilation 2025
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