👣ASMR Pedicure Cleaning💆‍♀️Nail Fungus Cure: 3 Secrets to Total Relief👣

👣ASMR Pedicure Cleaning💆‍♀️Nail Fungus Cure: 3 Secrets to Total Relief👣

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This video is about ASMR Pedicure Cleaning💆‍♀️Nail Fungus Cure: 3 Secrets to Total Relief

Did you know that certain people are at greater risk of getting nail fungus? Why are there groups of people like diabetics or people with high cortisol levels more likely to have nail fungus? Throughout the video, I’m going to share 3 secrets to help you restore your nails from fungus and provide some helpful tips.

The #1 Secret: What people need to do at home to get rid of and prevent nail fungus from coming back is to reduce the thickness of the nail. You might have heard the term debridement. Debridement means to reduce the thickness of the nail. You can do this by using a handheld nail file or an electric nail file. You need to use a clean handheld nail file each time to ensure you aren’t reversing any progress you’ve made with your topical solution, like the nail Mycosis Solution I use.

The nail must be thinned out so the solution can penetrate the nail plate and prevent the fungus from invading the new nail growth. I also use the nail mycosis solution while filing to prevent dust from flying into the air.

#2 Secret: There are many types of fungus, and they all thrive on sugar that is why nail fungus is so common in diabetics; you must reduce your sugar intake which includes alcohol and carbs.

#3 Secret: Reduce your cortisol levels. When your cortisol levels are high, it puts the body’s natural immune system to sleep, thus blocking the immune system from doing its job high cortisol levels eliminate your defense mechanism against pathogens

📌Full-Length Video: https://youtu.be/SM6SoOhfJyk


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🔹Impacted Toenail Playlist https://bit.ly/3irnfTj

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Thanks for watching my video about ASMR Pedicure Cleaning💆‍♀️Nail Fungus Cure: 3 Secrets to Total Relief