I Tried WEIRD Nail Products on myself

I Tried WEIRD Nail Products on myself

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I Tried WEIRD Nail Products on myself

♡Products I tried in this video:
Cylinder magnet -
Marshmallow body lotion -
Protector peel -
Letters silicone mold -
Bear swatches -
Colorful hearts -
Double sided drill bit -

♡More of my favorite products on Amazon:

♡Full certification online class for nail technicians (includes manicure, pedicure, nail sculpting and nail art) -
E-file 101 online class -

♡♡Thank you for watching my video
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#naillabshow #nailcou

By: Nailcou
Title: I Tried WEIRD Nail Products on myself
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNHoTrXlnYU

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